“Why are you so thin? Don’t you eat proper food?” People ask me these questions very often. I reply to them, “I have Gluten Intolerence”. “Oh! What is that?” I answer, “I cannot eat wheat and wheat products. I am allergic to wheat”. “Oh! Then, what do you eat?”

Since last few years I have this conversation at least once in a day, every day.

I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance in the year 2007. I was suggested to refrain from wheat and other grains that contain gluten. It was the most difficult phase of my life. Switching instantly to a gluten free diet was shocking. Suddenly, cakes, breads and even regular staple food items were removed from my diet. Initially, It was very challenging to find replacements of bread, cakes etc.

There were very few options left with me for my staple diet.

Then I started experimenting with flour blends for everyday rotis and paranthas. Gradually, I succeeded in baking my own breads, cakes, pizzas and other treats for myself.

Then, one fine day I thought of other people suffering from celiac disease. When they get diagnosed with gluten intolerance, like me, they don’t get options of a newly intoduced gluten free diet.

You must have heard of this famous maxim,

“Necessity is the mother of invention”

eggless cake 02
chocolate loaf 1